Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 2011

Everything is growing great! We have...
On the porch.
2 Cucumber plants. 2 Green squash. 12 or so tomato plants of different variety, including cherry, roma, beef-steak, money-maker and one I simply called "Big" (probably canning tomatoes). 4 jalapeno's started. 2 habanero plants. 2 Big black seed - loose head lettuce that I pulled from the grow camp. And a bunch of onions that came pre-started from a local farm and are only called "sweet".

I built a little shelf I call the "tomato shelf". Tomatoes have been a problem, they overwhelm the grow camp and they don't ripen or produce much on the hot tub due to they don't get sun until about 1pm. They need more sun and some wind, so this location solves both of those requirements, hopefully! This spot gets sun at 10am. It's just a test this year, but if it works out I'll build a better shelf.

In the Grow Camp.
Gourmet red lettuce and several black seed - loose head lettuce. Strawberries (more on them in a minute). 4 Spinach plants. More "sweet" onions. 2 or 3 green pea vines. 3 or 4 green beans. 6 carrots. And basil, dill, chives and sage for herbs.


 Strawberries everywhere!

 Onions, carrots and spinach.

The strawberries are doing too well in there and taking over, so I think I'm going to pull most if not all of them.
There's a steep hill on the other side of the porch that I want to populate with plants to cut down the erosion, so I might try moving all the strawberries here and see how they do...

This thing has some sickly looking tomato plants hanging out, but they all have tomatoes on them, surprisingly.
I don't much like this system, but we'll see how it does over time.


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